The Mission of the Parish Finance Council is to advise and assist the pastor/administrator in administering temporal affairs of the parish by monitoring the financial activity of the parish. Diocesan guidelines state that the Finance Council will assist the pastor in providing good stewardship of financial resources, ensuring that sufficient means are available and allocated appropriately to carry out the pastoral mission of the parish. The Finance Council’s work is directed by the values of the Gospel as well as by good business practice.
The Council regularly reviews financial reports and budgets. It also provides advice and recommendations to the Pastor/Administrator on a variety of financial matters as they arise. Council meetings are held in the evening on a quarterly basis or more frequently if needed.
The Pastor/Administrator is the head of the Council. Additional members are also included in this list:
Members of the Council are selected by the Pastor/Administrator and generally have business and financial experience. If you are interested in volunteering, speak with Father Carmen.